Tuesday, January 27, 2015

What to read during a snowstorm

In the old days I kept a list of things I would read if I had the time, but the internet led to the list exploding beyond anyone’s ability (I then called it ‘if I ever break a leg’ list).But now, with a tablet, and a fire in the fireplace, and music and beverage set of for the entire day.  There are some priorities I am happy to share.  I cannot go anywhere, not because of the snow, but because Zeke is sleeping on my feet.

Major magazines now have super visual internet versions, and not totally in a paywall.  The Atlantic, the New Yorker, and Rolling Stone all top my list.  Foreign press, like The Independent, Le Mondo in English, or the special issues of The Economist, and the internet version of BBC stories are next for me.  Videos usually accompany the articles, so the tablet will come in handy; but You Tube has a lot of bits and pieces that are more fun than trolling Netflix and the ads are less obtrusive. Comedy in particular, should get some attention.  I forgot how funny The Onion can be, and believe it or not Mad Magazine is still published.  My own penchant for cartoons leads me to a newspaper called Funny Times, or the website political cartoons.com.

Book publishers now have all moved into the tablet world. You can get a Kindle version of everything, and a couple of chapters free.  I am drawn to BookBub, which offers extraordinary e-books for 99 cents. I never have time for the New York Review of Books, which is a good read by itself.

All of this excludes music and videos and local newspapers; but if you want to take a nap you can always read my commentary.

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