Saturday, January 3, 2015

Tribalism in the 21st century

Reviewing the year end summaries and predictions, there is a missing theme that I have followed for quite a while – a tendency for individuals and groups to revert to tribal groupings, behaviors, and attitudes. Full disclosure – I began a quest to reduce or eliminate tribal behavior in 1967 with the Peace Corpse, which (sorry Albert Memmi) appears to have failed universally.

Large recognized ethnic groups, think middle east, have all erased the European political boundaries and cluster their societies according to tribal origins whether we want to recognize it or not.  In each country, voting blocs or party affiliations follow what many term as ‘ethnic and religious’ affinities, but are actually reversion to age-old tribes.  There is a long term comfort in the security of your tribe.

In the US, we too have tribes, but they are defined in an American context.  .  Long standing groups united by geography or dogma exhibit tribal behavior.  Dissect the news; there are ‘true believers’ on every subject, from fire arms to immigration to (horrors) Keynesian economics.  They fortify their narratives together and repeat and refer to each other. There appears no potential for debate or discussion whether in the local tavern or the halls of Congress..

Some tribalism, (think of the positive side of the French or Italian family groupings), prove stabilizing influences.  Many of the Asian societal foundation are comforting and mitigate modern volatility (think of the royal family in Thailand). But even the normally solid religious foundations around the world are susceptible to extreme and radical misuse.  Tribalism becomes a vehicle for exclusion and repression.

And everyone appears to be looking for their proper tribe, but they would not call it that.  It would be a peer group, or fellow travelers, or kindred spirits; but at the end of the day the use of the group looks like tribal behavior.  They simply do not trust anyone not in their group. I understand; it is easier and less frustrating to revert to mean (sorry for the pun) and avoid discussion, conversation, or compromise.

Never mind that almost every incidence of man’s inhumanity to fellow man can be blamed on tribalism (even more than just religion). So…..I look for glimmers of hope.  That Jesuit in the Vatican offers promise, but so did the man without tribe from Hawaii and look what they did to him! Sooner or later the old guard in the Vatican will undermine his efforts. 

Perhaps the internet is the hero of rational (not tribal) behavior.  Transparent information seems to be working on climate deniers, or whatever happened to the birthers, or just what eventually came of the Ebola scare in the US?

Still, when push comes to shove I anticipate that individuals and groups will revert to tribe when frustration or crisis demands.  Prove me wrong. Or perhaps I am reverting to the skeptical tribe.

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