Friday, January 16, 2015


It comes up often, the time consumption of sports in our lives and ‘does it really matter?’.  I had a good experience many years ago with Bob Keidel and his book which successfully made the case for business analogies.  We know, however, that sport is not just for alpha males but has become a family affair.

I had the pleasure of attending and NHL game last night, and was distracted from the sport by the people.  Entire families clad in overpriced merchandise, consuming over industrialized food, flooded with over amplified sound experienced a cultural event, not a sport.  These families – all ages all backgrounds – have invested and are invested in the importance of sport in the fabric of their lives.

So……(remember always start an opinion with ‘so’)  if we add politics, which clearly mimics SEC sports, and you have a majority of the American landscape covered with potential analogies to sports. Winning is the only thing ---  always spout your teams’ narratives --- share of voice is all that matters-- external image trumps introspection every time; these tautologies work for so many so often.

What about those of us who like to read, or garden, or take an interest in science and technology, or belong to the tribe that calls themselves ‘motor heads’ (I have a lot of friends, male and female, who invest time and treasure in vehicles), or even the greens – they don’t have a sports analogy!  I have yet to see a fantasy gardening league.  While the legions park in front of their televisions this weekend glued to the march to the superbowl, there will be others basking in the glow of the newly arrived seed catalogs. Winning isn’t the only thing….doing it right counts, too.


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