Thursday, January 22, 2015

News providers in VN need an upgrade and training and orientation to the 21st century

I have been following locally sourced news from VN for more than a decade; often with a filter or lens that takes account of the flaws that afflict news sources all around the world, but moreso in Vietnam:

              There is a push for an attention grabbing headlines first and foremost

              The facts in news stories are mostly very short term or even speculative with context

              Like international TV news or tabloid press, there is an acceptance of extreme views

              Unlike contemporary international news, there are rarely links

              Converting from a controlled economy, the VN news still believes planned targets are law

              There is confusion that business is a horserace or sports event where we see ‘winning’

              There is a mix of rumor and news, particularly when personalities are involved

              You can perceive a connection between news items and short term trading impulses

No implication that the facts presented are wrong, but just not in sufficient context (and not improving over time).  I personally feel that there is circularity – the more the news sources fail to offer context and perspective, the more the consumers expect this of the news. The more they expound on speculation, the more readers follow the speculation instead of searching for the background.

Surely the international news scene has similar short term popular news providers everywhere, but they now get caught out by internet based fact checkers, and of course long form editors.  For VN there are always the international sources that do similar long form essays, but not as many as for other similar countries. I try to read as much as I can about the region, and this malaise shows for neighbors as well.

I offer, as an example, the reporting on the VN economy.  Every economy has positives and negatives, but the articles that appear in the press usually take an either all positive attitude or an all negative attitude, rarely with counter arguments or links to data. Someone appears to be feeding trading mentality – short term at every turn. Getting the headlines without the context.

We the readers may be a fault for not calling them out, but I prefer to blame the editors. Coming off decade of censorship, I am going to guess that they are older and do not want to take any risks.

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