Saturday, January 31, 2015

Self-absorption and the vaccination deniers

The refusal of service by doctors to people who refuse vaccinations for themselves and their families is a serious wake-up call. Trying not to exaggerate, it is an equivalent to reminding people that you have freedoms, but you cannot yell ‘fire’ in a crowded theater. I will also avoid a joke about the price of going to Disneyworld, because I really believe it is a moment to realize just how dominate self absorption has become in our popular culture.

No longer psychobabble, the self-absorption phenomina are regularly reinforced as public personalities and private conversations gravitate to those narratives and view which only reflect their own. It comes directly in conflict with a simple notion of what is right and what is wrong.  Ironically, the first thrust in the revolt of the rational came not for humans but for pets.  Vets now refuse admission of pets who have not been vaccinated.

It took so long for humans to establish equivalency for reasons we can only speculate, but it is time for a full scale revolt of the sensible. I hope everyone can do a Howard Beale, and I have a list:

  • Drivers who never dim their (high power) headlamps
  • The legions who cough and sneeze and refuse to wear a mask in public
  • The yardbirds who burn stuff they shouldn’t and let the smoke drift around the neighborhood
  • The grocery shoppers who religiously refuse to put their carts back (and leave them roll)
  • Any activity for adults where some insist on including their kids

But the worst still remains the geniuses who insist they are able to drive home when impaired.  I had a conversation yesterday with a vaccine denier, proudly quoting the 23% effective rate on flu shots as brilliant proof that nobody should get their flu shots.  Supper finished, and after a few glasses of wine, this person insisted on driving home (spouse was available) despite slurring of words, etc.  We see it all the time. Why do they do it?  I have concluded that they want to make an impression with Jodi Foster.

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