Saturday, February 28, 2015

I have seen the future of payments and it is now….

Feeling old.  Went to grab something for dinner at a Wegman’s that I was driving by (their ready to heat up offerings are some of my favorites).  I like the setup because you can grab what you want and jump in an express checkout and be out of the store is a matter of minutes.

I was the slowpoke.  The checkout line had several likeminded shoppers in front of me and a couple behind me – all with a handful of items and all using their phones for a quick pay feature.  The barely had to slow down through the line (except for the old guy who had to swipe a card).  I didn’t even have time to be embarrassed.
Outside, I noticed that a couple of my fast shopping colleagues got into waiting cars – they didn’t even have to park! So I have a prediction: drive through pre order pick up phone pay dinners.  I know that some chain restaurants will deliver your take-out to a waiting car, but I see the fast lane crowd ordering from their car from a set menu, arriving at an appointed hour, paying with their phone without taking the car out of gear. And most important feeling really proud of the accomplishment. Bet on it

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