Sunday, February 15, 2015

Not feeling charitable

We got through Christmas, with that lovely commercial giving spirit, and Valentine’s Day where happy gift givers certainly sincerely expressed their love, and now half the world can celebrate Chinese New Year, where the giving of little envelopes filled with cash continues around the world.

Pardon me if I read all the other stuff.  The Camden charity whose president went missing with the money.  The published list of the worst charities in the country ( ) who took in millions and spent pennies on direct aid to their causes.

Now we read about the ‘ice water challenge’ which is just sitting on most ($90+ million) of the money  without purpose just because they can. Pardon me if I think we are all being had.

The weather is cold.  Donate your charitable time and effort to shut in neighbors, or a hospital volunteer organization, or the little league. (apologies to Bill and Melinda Gates) Keep your money.  It is bound and destined for the sharks.

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