Thursday, February 5, 2015

Stop picking on the crunchies – they know not what they have done

The crunchy moms (mostly California based) who have assumed an extreme approach to a natural lifestyle, and are quite vocal about their views, have come under a lot of scrutiny and attack by those who interpret their behaviors as risky and socially irresponsible. Extreme views, anti-science positions, pseudoscience, counterculture behaviors are all fair game because they are extreme and strident. 

Haven’t we lived among the Amish and the Jehovah Witness groups for decades?  They are not strident and imposing on us.  The crunchies are strident and have been for a while. They essentially banned smoking, rightly or wrongly, from every indoor and outdoor location imaginable. But many of their views on environment and libertarianism are usually supported by main stream thinking.  Not a reliance on herd immunity. Not the immunization issue.

But imagine you have a family member with a birth defect that all the experts cannot explain. You would grasp for every explanation large and small.  You might even embrace conspiracy theories. It would be difficult to do nothing. I believe that the origin of the strident crunchie views is a sad paranoia relating to things that cannot (yet) be explained – things that had a profound emotional event in their lives. I also believe that no manner of ridicule or teasing or scorn will change their minds. Don’t pick on them.  Isolate them, but make sure they wash their hands.

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