Wednesday, March 4, 2015

The short term US economy will be about fixing stuff

Staring out the window, any window, is rough when there has been an extended period of wretched weather.  Everyone, particularly those not playing video games, sees through the snow or ice or fog to the repair projects and deferred maintenance that has been piling up.  Financial analysts proclaim the joy of a gas price windfall driving American consumers into stores?  Baloney.

Somewhere out there is a person who has no gutters to fix, no paint peeling indoors and out, a clean car devoid of calcium buildup, and windows that are always washed. The rest of us have two lists that get longer every day—those winter chores that we have put off for weather reasons, and the already late preparation for spring.  Change spark plugs on the mower, did you?  Pat yourself on the back.

The early data was a surprise – the American consumer shoved the gas price windfall into savings.  Of course they did…they have projects large and small awaiting the thaw or drying out or more daylight so we can try to get caught up. More daylight means more projects.  Wear gloves!

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