Monday, March 30, 2015

Gardiner’s warning…show some patience

Almost April and the ground is very frozen with ice patches.  The culprit is low nighttime temperatures combined with a lack of full bright sunny days.  It has happened before, and all of us have been impatient before.  The most complex science based advice you can get it  -- don’t.

The frost will move up and the weather will be cloudy for a couple of weeks, so try not to rush anything.  Start seeds indoors and in cold frames.  Prep smaller gardens with black plastic (temporary) to both raise the temperatures and aid drying.  Avoid planting seeds in wet soil and although some seedlings (greens) can be put in wet soils, most suffer setbacks and compression effects.

We will be later than we want for the enjoyment of our gardens, but the price of premature starts is soil compression and runoffs and stunted plants. The good news is that the end of April is always redemption – the strength of the sun and the stringing of degree days back to back accelerates the growth of everything – subject to good soil tilth. Do your peas if you must (they seem to survive everything) but go easy on the rest until the dirt feels right.

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