Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Computer (and Smartphone) Security – in simple terms

Only the lazy and inattentive should fall victim to security problems, with a couple of exceptions.  In short   turn off, clean up, filter what you can, and take your personal security seriously.

Turn off devices when you are not using them.  This includes your phone.  Do you really have to have a phone or tablet powered up overnight?  The bad guys do, for that is when they work most.

Clean up your files on your phone and all computers; in fact, do the maintenance that all the experts tell you from running virus checks to double deleting spam email. It should be regular, not spot.

Most protection systems can be intrusive, but not all.  Actively manage your spam filters and file filters to suit your use, but put them in place both on your devices and at the system host.  You can always switch them off when pressed for time, but then turn the filters back on.

Two pieces of advice on personal security.  First, have multiple accounts (both financial and email) to direct transactions or communication to a serious account for serious matters, and to other accounts for anything that can be risky. Gmail accounts are for silly things…and let the spam go there.  As for money, a small balance credit card or small balance PayPal account is perfect for small transactions. Keep your bank account to yourself, unless you have several, and find a no fee credit card to use as a spare.

The second piece of advice pertains to passwords.  Yes your dog and your mother’s maiden name is OK for silly things, but if confidentiality and finance is involved you should invest your time is complex password creation and updates.  The experts say that 14 characters using phrases with numbers is best. Your dog won’t do, you never know what you might step in.

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