Monday, November 13, 2017

Reminder of the scourge of 16 years of war…on Veteran’s Day

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How easy to be snarky when talking about the US military, that allegedly only 1% of Americans know personally.  Easy to let it go when politicians throw out ‘I favor a strong military’ and then move on to another topic to dog whistle.


If you like to look at data (we do) the intersection of the military aftermath with the opioid problem in the US defies credulity – the scientific measurement is not yet available since the VA is late to the party with information, but the urban legend is that 60% of returned veterans have a ‘problem’. This ‘problem’ festers, while politicians gasbag.


Worse.  I had a pleasant dinner at a neighbor’s the other night.  One fellow was a vet, and proud to say that he has focused some of his business efforts on assisting young veterans start businesses.  No mention of the festering problem.  Simply no on the agenda.


Even worse.  We continue to feed the wars (the urban legend is that although there are six recognized ‘hot’ wars globally, there are 90 countries where the US has ‘resources’ deployed and active.  But that is just a legend….right?


Comon’  KenBurns!  Can’t the core anti war sentiments in this country be rekindled?

Bah Humbug.

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