Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Bashed by New Books

Volumes emerging to explain the current state of the US executive branch – how it happened and where we may find the origins. Two of the best come from the CEO of the New York Times, who argues that the evolution of contemporary rhetoric is the villain, and from a popular radio/print personality who traces 500 years of American passion for less than the truth. (Reference below).  Believe them both, I do, and they have expanded my vocabulary but not necessarily my perspective. After all, mad is mad.

And then I finally got around to Friedman’s latest book (reference below) which is clearly more forward looking but grabs the history of how slow we are to adapt to new innovative thinking and technology.  Believe him too.  Expanded my vocabulary again.  Skies are gray today.  Temperatures painful. Gloomy.

Went to a brew pub last night and continued my dalliance with voter registration.  Got a couple of the beer mongers (mongerette) to help me buttonhole a couple of thirtysomethings. They spout the bent rhetoric and cite the false narratives on a moment notice.  Groan…..

Mark Thompson Enough Said  St Martin’s Griffin 2017; Kurt Anderson Fantasyland Random House 2017 Tom Friedman Thank you for Being Late

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