Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Derp, derpy, derping, …whatever

I would like to say two nice words about the younger generations, who I take great delight in often belittling..... South Park.  Sure they are overly obsessed with each and every famous episode, but the bits that ooze into our culture are priceless….take Mr. Derp.

Mr. Derp repeats, over and over, his platitudes (attention youngsters this is called cognitive capture) despite evident facts to the contrary (attention millennials this is called Dunning Kruger). We see it so often it now gets into the mainstream – politicians and of course economists are labeled Derpy.  In public.  In the press. It sounds so innocent and silly to us older folk, but at the root of derp is contempt, make no mistake.
Not since John Stewart became the sole source of news for several generations has there been a popular culture icon with such a profound effect.  Embrace Mr. Derp.

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