Saturday, May 23, 2015

Trying vs Cheating

Hot news topics include the Wall Street cheaters, and their quotes ‘If you ain’t cheating, you ain’t trying’    in all the press.  Actually this oft quoted phrase with better grammer can be attributed to Mark Grace when he played for the Chicago Cubs.  It is important to have a look at the world we know.

On Wall Street, they now have focused on ‘conduct risk’ and individual responsibility for ethics.  On main street, companies and retail merchants collect massive data sets, so that if a customer or employee behaves unethically, eventually the computers catch up.  Russian  motorists  find a dash video recorder is essential, and now everyone has to wear go-pro’s (hopefully turning them off in the toilet).

I did the money count at the honor box on my roadside vegetable stand last night.  As usual, there was more money than missing plants and a couple of notes with ‘I owe you 75 cents’ messages. Go figure.

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