Wednesday, December 10, 2014

For 2015 – Vow to eliminate webinars and boring PPT reading

I have decided to promote the concept of eliminating monotone lectures and boring PPT presentations from seminars (even if the senior exec wants to do it) in favor of case study work and/ or panel discussions with subject matter experts. Throw in the elimination of webinars as we know them, and we can concentrate on learning without the distraction of sub-professional delivery.

Now you can do it – Brainshark is a cloud based application which (in the versions I have seen) conveniently flash single images with an overlay of brief commentary.  Your target audience can use their smart devices prior to the learning event and review the material sent by email and  these Brainsharks.  The secret appears to be very low production costs both in time and bills to pay.

Now your learning event can pull together mini cases or full case studies (from the field) and you can assemble a panel of subject matter experts to debate the components of the case. The panel discussion will have high production costs.  The cases and their background material might require some anonymity and certainly research and data. We can assume that you will have to use digital interfaces when necessary (rehearse first) to avoid the travel of your experts (unless they wish otherwise).  The outcomes and synthesis will oblige you to portray a bit of Charlie Rose with the panel – teasing out the insights necessary.

I am promoting the redesign of the learning experience and the role of the lead instructor.  More work, less boredom should result in more learning.

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