Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Old Fashioned Intervention

I have gotten interventionist emails and mailings for many months now.  Stress relief, packaged and disguised with all manner of new age wonderfulness. Somatic movement or authentic movement or any of the clearly well packaged mindfulness techniques are making careers for a new generation of quacks.  They prey on the kids with PTSD (and the funding behind them), they prey on the lonely, and they prey on the (allegedly) 23% of adults who are untreated and in need of professional credentialed intervention. Personally, I think this is part of the transformation of the structure of families and households, where the old extended family ties have become distanced and attenuated.

Nevermind. Let the rest of them meander down the path of spirituality and mindfulness as they strive to be centered and at peace. I prefer an early evening out with an old pal. 

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