The twin swords of Cognitive Bias and Hyper-objectivity dominate discourse and media.
Nice to have all the world’s ills packaged into tidy bundles. No more wondering if aging politicians and their followers are crazy – everyone , according to current wisdom, has gravitated to extreme cognitive bias in their opinions. [ see Wikipedia reference below]. Their views slot nicely into twenty clusters of, by my count, 191 documentable observed biases. Beyond an amusing tavern exercise, these categorizations seem to make sense and fit [ also a bias called, I believe observational dependency].
Is everyone obsessed? Of course not, nor are they what we arrogantly wrote off as ‘true believers’. By gravitating to their extreme posture, they display a concentration on clear objectives [again see references] that are much larger than we, apparently, can appreciate. Fortified by clear hyper-objectivity, these self-anointed ‘spokespeople’ offer us views which:
o Speculate
o Exaggerate
o Reference selective information
o Oversimplify
o Alarm
Someone like myself clearly cannot fathom the energy that their moral clarity offers. We continue to drift along in our attempt at neutral objectivity.